Fur-friendly fun in Westport Pop quiz, hotshot: It’s a beautiful summer evening. You want to go out somewhere, socialize and kick back a few cold ones. But you’ve been out all day and your dog has been home by himself. What do you do? Easy there,...
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The Crossroads is going to the dogs (and cats.) Imagine the scene: you’re working hard with your pup, training her to do a new trick, rolling over or maybe shake. She’s doing great, finally getting the hang of it, and you reach into your bag of her favor...
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A taste of Munich in South KC. Ein! Zwei! Drei! Fier! Heb dein glas und trink mit mir! Pull up a bench and hoist ein liter to the dog days of summer. Kansas Ci...
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If you are anything like us, not a whole lot of things top cracking open a delicious beer while hanging out with your dog. After all, beer and dogs are the two greatest things to happen to humankind since, well, beer and dogs. Here at Beer Pa...
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It's hard to achieve anything without a little help from your friends.<...
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One of the most exciting things to happen to me last year was getting a message from my friend and fellow writer Jonathan Bender, asking if...
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