Eight years ago this month, Beer Paws was born. In May of 2013, I first marketed my idea for a bottle opener tag for d...
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You may have heard the news that Beer Paws founder Crystal is mo...
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When you get a puppy, you of course want to bring them places to play with other dogs. However, it’s not a good idea to have them interact with other dogs right away. Here are some factors you should take into account when deciding when you want to introduce your puppy to o...
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Our dogs need a space to call their own, and an area set aside for us to play with them. If a pup has been part of your family for a while or if you are looking to a...
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Adding a new puppy to your family is an exciting experience. You can expect many years of fun and love as your puppy settles in and bonds with you. Howeve...
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Moving is no doubt one of the most stressful things a person or family can do. Add in a furry friend, and additional hurdles appear. Moving can be a very stressful situation for your pet. Introducing movers into your home, removing familiar territory such as their favorite ...
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When you have pets, it is important to make sure that your house is ready and suitable for them. Your furry friends will do well in a home that is pet-friendly. When it comes to flooring options, some are definitely more animal-friendly than others. The following are just t...
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If you have a natural love of dogs, it makes sense to have a desire to spend time around them. Working with dogs is a great way to satisfy your need for furry friends. Instead of spending all day missing Fido, consider one of the following ways to help keep your canine comp...
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